Thursday, 25 April 2019
I want to work through one of David’s latest articles because he covers a lot of what I think gets in the way of what’s really going on. I intend posting this on my forum and possibly sending him a link to it, so I’m writing it with him in mind. (In the end I didn’t inform him I’d commented on his post, as I’m not wanting to ‘reach out’ to anyone for the time being.)
Easter and Jesus as Described by Chan Thomas
Chan Thomas’ first claim to fame may have been his 1963 book: The Adam and Eve Story. In that book he describes his theories of what happened to Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden approximately 12,000 years ago – a catastrophic pole From The Urantia Book we understand it was further back than that - 34 - 36,000? years ago, so possibly three shifts ago. With the Garden of Eden sinking after Eve and Adam Defaulted, the sinking of Eden being the symbolic and physical expression of the devastation they brought upon themselves and the whole of humanity by Defaulting. The Rebellion and Default being covered in these Papers: 53 - The Lucifer Rebellion
Paper 54 - Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion
Paper 66 - The Planetary Prince of Urantia
Paper 67 - The Planetary Rebellion
Paper 73 - The Garden of Eden
Paper 74 - Adam and Eve
Paper 75 - The Default of Adam and Eve
Paper 76 - The Second GardenHis book was the central part of a file the CIA “partially declassified and sanitized for public view” 50 years later and has been an internet sensation ever since, with millions of us wondering what parts were NOT declassified and why it was ever classified in the first place. I am currently researching Chan Thomas in detail and will have a lot more to say about him soon.
Chan Thomas was also a Christian with some unusual interpretations of what we are told through the Bible. For example, Matthew 27:46 describes something Jesus said just before dying on the cross: “About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?” that is, “MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?”
Thomas points out this makes zero sense in light of Jesus’ role, wisdom, and knowledge. He would never say that. But sometimes biblical figures take something they saw or heard and put it in the context of their own language. This is understandable, but makes things difficult for us to understand and interpret. Of course they were confused in the first century too – it wasn’t their fault. For example, John said he saw the 666 symbol on the forehead of men who would behead faithful Christians in the end times.
We can’t blame John for interpreting what he saw in a spiritual vision (the bismallah) in his own language’s symbols.
Likewise, when Jesus was on the cross and he cried out: “Eli, eli la-ma sa-back tha-ni” – what if this phrase was really from another language Jesus studied between the ages of 18 and 30, when he was missing from ancient Israel, but obviously gaining great wisdom somewhere? In India, they claim Jesus was there. Chan Thomas notes that Matthew and Mark both put a question mark after Jesus’ quote and interpret it for us adding phrases like: “which means” and “that is to say” – because there were no such words in Hebrew or Aramaic, and the apostles did the best they could interpreting what were almost nonsense words to them.
Thomas explains that in the ancient language he calls Naga, the unfamiliar phrase simply means: “I am fainting, I am fainting, darkness is overcoming me.” He was letting us know the end of mortal life was arriving fast. I find this interpretation credible and fascinating – but not as intriguing as Thomas’ views on angels and This part about Jesus I have no problems with, agreeing that I don’t think he said on the cross what the Bible says he did, because being the Creator Son he’s hardly likely to accuse God of treating him so badly when he understood completely why he was to die on the cross.
If Jesus happened to be of the Rebellion and Default, and for example doing his Healing when he was put on the cross, then I could image he said something like that, however as he was Perfect with no need to do his Healing, then I think he would have said something else.
Possible if he did actually say these words then they would have been in the context of illustrating some truth to us, which were we to apply to how we feel in our unloving truth-less evil states, then sure, if we still have any feelings for God, then we’d be very angry with Him for forsaking us, that which we go through countless times in our Healing. I am not lovingly happy with God in my fucked state feeling as shit as I do, I hate God, I’m ragingly furious with Him for fucking me up and giving me such a shit life; however at the same time I can also understand why He’s subjecting me to an unloving life, and being grateful to Him and loving Him for it. Always the two conflicting extremes - the mind verses the feelings, whilst we’re in our confused states with them.
Jesus is the Living Truth - The Son of Truth, and being so, is being the truth to us all. So his Death on the Cross is again he showing us the truth of ourselves through his own life. The truth being for us he wanted us to see: that we are dying on the cross of un-love and untruth, it us who is really suffering which we refuse to see, not himself suffering. We are conceived onto the cross of hatred, our parents parenting us unlovingly and untruly, thereby keeping us nailed to the cross and all the pain of that. I doubt if adults weren’t hate-filled parents, and instead were wholly loving ones, we’d have subjected the Son of Truth and Love to such unloving agony, which refusing to accept the truth of what we actually did by seeing that evilness in ourselves.
On page 47 of Aftermath (of The Adam and Eve Story) a chapter begins titled “Angels and UFOs.” Thomas describes the events after the crucifixion as described four different ways by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – not to mention Mary Magdelene and the other women at the sepulcher. His conclusions after comparing the various commentaries: “The angels looked like men, in fact they must have been men.” (page 53) Far stranger is the comment on the next page: “We must conclude that these men, these angels, came to Earth in their space vehicle.” I want to emphasize: Chan Thomas believes aliens are extraterrestrials coming to Earth from another planet in spaceships – and he believes they are human. For UFO pilots to be human – either our ancestors came from their planet – or the pilots of UFOs have ancestors that started here on It’s this part about aliens and angels that I really wanted to comment on. Chan and David are both Christians, and perhaps because of that, possibly fail seeing other parts to the puzzle because of not want to consider other non-Christian spiritual sources like The Urantia Book. Which is unfortunate, because were they to, then I think much of the confusion and misunderstanding about UFO’s, aliens and angels would be cleared up. And it’s not that I think The Urantia Book is the be all to end all, it’s just that if what it says is true, then it adds to, rather than subtracts from, all people like David are trying to do.
So David, might I suggest you read the Papers in TUB about the Rebellion and Default as mentioned above, as these are crucial in helping us see the bigger picture as to what on a spiritual level humanity has been subjected to. So to understand (Daligastia on Earth in the TUB Papers referred to above) that humanity has always had a relationship with higher spirits and their associated angels, which was meant to help humanity evolve and grow in truth, but with that all being corrupted by the rebellious higher spirits - the Evil Ones: Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia, Daligastia and their unrevealed partners.
So from TUB we understand that long ago the Daligastias materialised on the earth (as did Eve and Adam), they being for all intents and purposes - Superbeings on earth. And being so advanced that the local tribes of unevolved humanity would have been in awe of them, no doubt wanting to worship them as gods.
And then came the Rebellion and the Daligastias were removed from the Earth; then later with Eve and Adam materialising in the Garden of Eden to try and carry out their genetic breeding program with humanity to uplift the genes of mankind, only to fail bringing about the Default and subsequent destruction of Eden and all the rest they suffered because of their major transgression.
And to understand that all the way along angels that exist in the spirit realms could at times present themselves to people delivering ‘messages from God’, and either working to help assist humanity during the pre-Rebellion days to grow and evolve positively on all levels, and then with the Fallen Angels who sided with the Evil Ones or had to, being used to negatively influence humanity in order to help the Rebellion and Default.
And as we understand, the angels can show themselves to us in any form they choose, so it would be nothing for an angel to pretend to be a person, to come in human form, or to be a talking as a burning bush or any of the creatures on earth or anything else. And possibly even coming pretending to be UFO’s.
The thing about our being in rebellion means we are cut off, isolated, from all other evolving worlds like Earth, and mostly also cut off from the angels and nature spirits, along with those people from Earth who die going into the Mansion Worlds to live as spirits. So I can’t see that we’d be allowed to have aliens coming and going, doing things with people and all the rest that is attributed to them. I think the alien thing is a distraction. I think there possibly could be UFO’s as in people from other worlds visiting us, however because of the Rebellion and Default they’d be forbidden to communicate directly with us, which they would understand were they evolved enough to have created UFO’s.
Myths from around the world describe angels and gods that come and go from the skies and are able to interbreed with human With these myths being perfectly explained in TUB. Which is in part why I think the book was given to us. To help us understand a little more about the origin of such myths. And although it might be hard to swallow the fact that certain higher spirits at different times did actually manifest and did interbreed with humanity, it’s no more of a stretch to imagine how Chan and David talk about it. And the thing is, the story given to us by TUB actually makes far more sense and fits in with the picture of the ancient ways of life that people like David are helping to reveal.
Aliens with different genetics could not do this, nor would vastly different aliens want to – any more than our astronauts would want to mate with alien animals. But if the beings that come down from the sky are not “alien astronauts” but off-world descendants of our very advanced ancestors – they would be very likely to come home to Earth to teach, guide, and interact with us. Perhaps humanity has been technologically advanced in the past – advanced enough to establish human colonies on other planets. Alleged whistle-blowers like Corey Goode say there are multiple “breakaway human civilizations” started through ancient secret space programs run by our distant ancestors in civilizations destroyed long ago, probably in regularly occurring pole And so what about this notion of breakaway human civilisation and advanced technology in the past? As I now understand it, during each successive Pole Shift or perhaps spanning a number of them, certain systems of energy have been available to humanity to develop: that being pre-Rebellion, to evolve lovingly; and post-Rebellion, to evolve unlovingly, that which we’re still doing today.
So in the past as we look about the remnants of past civilisations it’s easy to see that there was indeed other forms of energy or ways of doing things at humanity’s disposal. And so it’s conceivable that some of that technology, which is very different from what we know as technology today, took people off the world and into space, and possibly even being able to establish some sort of civilisation on other planets. However humanity on those planets was still existing under the same energy laws of those on Earth, so when the Pole Shift came that signalled an end to that energy regime and the introduction of another, so those ‘off world’ would have suffered accordingly. And in keeping with the restrictions imposed on them by the spiritual Rebellion, such off world colonies wouldn’t have then been able to keep existing independent of earth, so I don’t think there are aliens from Earth who might one day return, but just possibly remnants structures like on Earth of those past civilisations.
The changes of the energy requirements is as drastic as the Pole Shifts themselves, so we see not only humanity suddenly ending one way of existing with the technology they’d developed and having to start afresh with another, just as we see it also being reflected in nature with the ending of so many species and bringing into being of new ones.
So I tend to see humanity as existing in various stages, with the stages being very diverse. And I can imagine that the energy systems we’ll have in the next Pole Shift age will possibly be the same energy regime currently available to us. And I think in times to come, after perhaps more Shifts, then possibly other energy systems will be reintroduced, even perhaps bringing back the old ones or possibly combing the two. I did used to think that the new Spiritual Age would mean we could all tap into Orgone energy or something like that, the universal free natural energy, ending the need for how our energy systems exist now, however the further I go the less I’m sure about that, tending to think more lately that it will be the same as what we’re used to, just all under a very different spiritual regime owing to the complete ending of the Rebellion and Default.
So for us now, the more immediate things to occupy us will be the bringing of the Rebellion and Default to its head and conclusion, that being what the End Times is all about; along with the changing of the Spiritual Age that is possibly to coincide with the Pole Shift.
Pages 65 and 66 are a short chapter titled Jesus and Cataclysms. Thomas gives ten biblical quotes supportive of pole shifts. The first nine are not the most impressive choices. When I provide such a list in my books my favorites include:
Isaiah 13:13 “I will make the heavens tremble, and the earth will be shaken from its place.”
Isaiah 24:1 “Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface and scatters its inhabitants.”
Job 9:5-6 “It is God who removes the mountains, they know not how, When He overturns them in His anger; Who shakes the earth out of its place, And its pillars tremble.”
Psalms 46:2 “though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea.”
Haggai 2:6 “For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land.”
Revelation 6:14 “The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.“
Revelation 21:1 “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away…”me: All of which portrays God as an angry Wrathful God, which He’s not. We’re projecting our anger and wrath onto God, instead of directing it to our parents. God is however currently subjecting us to the unlovingness of Rebellion and Default, for reasons He will make known to us, and helping us to understand that part of the natural cycle of the Earth and possibly the whole Universe, includes these Pole Shifts of varying intensity and destruction, with the last one being a whopper.
But Thomas’ tenth and final Bible quote is very important to take note of. Mark 13:26 “And then he shall send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.” Thomas doesn’t capitalize he or his or earth as I would expect, but that isn’t the important part. He has already told us that in his opinion, angels are space-faring humans, coming to our planet in To me this is just what it says, that God will gather his elect, those he intends ‘saving’ from the Pole Shift with the help of his angels. However I don’t think ‘elect’ is correct in that those saved on Earth are necessarily more important than those He kills sending into the Marion Worlds. I think that if anything the word elect might refer to those people who are intent on living the New Way, wanting to fully Heal themselves of their rebellious ways by doing their Healing. As one would imagine, it will be those people who’ll be needed the most on Earth post Shift so as to ensure the continued introduction of the New Way. However as to whether or not those people will feel they are special having to live through and deal with the aftermath of a severe Pole Shift, waits to be seen.
The angels can do anything asked of them by God. So if they are to protect a certain amount of humanity and nature from the destruction of the Pole Shift, they will. They can protect a person, creature, a whole nation should it be required, from the raging seas and wild winds. They can easily transport people, animals and plants from one place on Earth to another. They can easily move huge blocks of rock about and change the face of the Earth. And they can if necessary materialise food, water, shelter and even reintroduce plants and animals back onto Earth should that be called for too. It’s all planned as to what effect each Pole Shift has, and how each civilisation survives. Everyone will be living where they meant to be at the time of the Shift, just as we do now and at any time, and what will happen to us, will, just as it does anyway. And when you take away the need of having to remain on Earth in the physical at all costs, that there is life after death in the spirit Marion Worlds, and that we are to ascend in Truth all the way to Paradise, so what happens on Earth becomes just one of the steps along the way.
Chan Thomas is telling us that in his opinion on the rapture – when the pole shift comes, UFOs are going to come to take away a select group of human survivors. Immediately after quoting Mark 13:26, he wrote: “Bear this verse in mind when you read Postlude.” In this case he means a one page chapter on page 73 of Aftermath, not the Postlude that was published in 1971 as pages 58-91 added onto the 57 page original version of The Adam and Eve Story. I will revisit this important reminder to keep Mark 13:26 in mind soon – but this particular blog post is already too I don’t know what David or Chan are referring to here, however I don’t see UFO’s coming to take the select few away. I think many will be taken from the Earth dying and reawakening in the first Mansion World, and these people might feel blessed that they’ve been spared having to say behind and experience the horrors of the Shift and its aftermath. I think the whole being special and saved is confused and relates to a couple of things that I’ll write more about below.
For now I will just emphasize that Chan Thomas expects the tribulation to come as a pole shift cataclysm, and the rapture (not that he uses the word rapture) will involve angels who are humans (presumably from a previously advanced Earth civilization) piloting UFOs and using telepathic communication when they arrive at the last minute to save some of us. He never says how many but perhaps the biblical suggestion of 144,000 is as good a number as any. Others not taken will also survive to tell the tale.
Chan Thomas’ ideas are definitely some of the most fascinating you will find from any pole shift authors… And I will have more to tell you about him soon. (please comment and let me know what readers are most interested to learn more about!)me: First of all I wouldn’t be surprised if the supposed 144,000 is as I’ve surmised previously, it actually referring to the number of people who fully embrace their Healing. And they might even be the number of people who manage to compete it, thereby becoming of a Celestial level of truth on Earth, and so those people looking to take humanity into the next Spiritual Age.
The whole notion of the elect and special 144,000 people being chosen to survive and possibly be taken to a new world to live happily ever after I think has been part of the fantasy given by the Evil Ones to those who have been wanting to do their dirty work, so as a possible reward for their service. It’s one thing to say we will give you the Earth and it will be a paradise, like Heaven on Earth, after the next Pole Shift as a reward for all you’ve done; and an even greater gift for the very special and elect to be told: we’ll give you a whole new world that’s like Paradise and one with only you on it, so you won’t even have to bother with all the surviving riff-raff and worrying about having to keep your slaves in order as you remake the world in your image after the Shift, as everything will be on tap, as we’ll be seeing to your every need.
So what better way to get people to do your dirty work than to dangle this carrot of future paradise and all the riches and eternal health that go with it.
So if you imagine being the Evil Spirits and having to set up a new humanity to do your bidding and carry on the Rebellion and Default because the last Pole Shift wiped off the world most people, its quite easy to see they looked to single out a ‘race’ of people and call them the Chosen Ones, from which they pick a further elite who they help control the world behind the scenes, all in preparation for the move into the next Pole Shift age making their Chosen Ones believe they will be able to rule supreme having asserted their domination and control over the world.
And everything was going well with this plan until Jesus came and put a spanner in the Evil Ones works. Jesus by his coming stopped the Lucifers and Satans and depowered the Caligastias and Daligastias, thereby causing a change in plans for the Cs and Ds to instigate.
They had to now somehow combat Jesus’ teachings, discredit him, and make sure that all he said that was going to help people deal with the Rebellion and Default, got mucked up and mixed up into even more confusing ways of seeing things.
So they set up the Christian religion, which I’m sure David and Chan wouldn’t like hearing, all to sort of seem like it was adhering to what Jesus said, yet craftily leading those who are a part of it off further into their rebellion and default.
And then they have worked to engineer it so that at the end of this Pole Shift age we have Armageddon, a time when the leading worlds religions can all destroy each other, or at least have them drastically depowered, so the likes of their hidden controllers manipulating things behind the scenes can then go underground surviving the Pole Shift, and remerging in the New World, thereby able to establish it to their liking and fully under their control, that being the gift from their Hidden Spirit Controllers.
So along the way, all the ‘good ones’ are Raptured off the world, they being the good Christians presumably who stayed true to the Word, that all being part of the plan of Evil Ones, thereby leaving their hidden controllers, the real hidden elite of the world who are not religious and who have at best only pretended to belong to or be part of a religion, with the cleansed world at their disposal.
That new earth, which they don’t as yet understand, also including the real Chosen Ones, those people who are doing or have done their Healing, who are to establish their higher truth on the world ensuring the likes of the hidden controllers never gain such a controlling hold over humanity ever again. And to support these higher spiritual people who will be living a Celestial level of truth, so the spiritual Law of Compensation will back them, doing most of the work for them, all to ensure humanity doesn’t slip back into its old nefarious ways.
So currently so far as these hidden controllers are concerned, or should be concerned, if their days really are numbered and their paradise will amount to only a dream and nothing more than a far off fantasy which they fail to bring to fruition, then they’d better make the most of it now, as this is as far as they will get.
So we wait to see the next move by the hidden controllers. Are they now going to bring about the Final Big One with the conflagration in the Middle East designed to bring down the major power-seeking religions of the world, the Jews, Muslims and Christians, hoping to bring about the conditions that will fulfil their secret prophecies that their Emperor and High Spiritual Leader Daligastia (who they call Lucifer, Satan or Baal) will once again materialise on Earth. Then to gather up his followers, rewarding them with untold riches and giving them the Earth whilst protecting them from the next Shift. With the only trouble about this being, Caligastia and Daligastia are no longer free at large in the spirit worlds, they having recently been banished to join Lucifer and Satan, so the hidden controllers’ Spiritual Master doesn’t actually exist for them anymore, so what are they going to do when they bring about the End Times and yet their Long Awaited One, doesn’t arrive.
And so too, none of the other long awaited messiahs of the religions will arrive. So will these religions contrive such ‘arrivals’ in the hope of convincing themselves and their followers that it all hasn’t been in vain and nothing more than a waste of time? And will Armageddon as in a major conflagration actually need to happen now that the real hidden spirit controllers, the Caligastias and Daligastias, have had their reign terminated? Perhaps humanity doesn’t need to come to such an awful conclusion at the end of this Pole Shift age, perhaps we can all just go through the Shift and deal with the aftertimes, those who survive, all living subjected to new spiritual laws that prohibit the continuation through the next Pole Shift age of yet more of the Rebellion and Default.
If it’s true that the Rebellion and Default are over and will end around the time or possibly before the next Shift, then the next age post Shift, if indeed it is to happen any time soon, will be one of peace on earth as humanity sets about reestablishing itself with the help of the higher spiritual people who’ve done their Healing and the supportive Law of Compensation, and without the negative influence of the hidden controllers.